Opera Max video review

2016年5月20日—OperaMaxcansaveyourdatausageupto50%*whilewatchingvideosonYoutubeoryourfavouritemoviesonNetflix.Itsuniquetechnologysaves ...,2016年9月26日—Ifyou'vedismissedthelaunchercard,goto“Settings”inthehamburgermenuandlookforthe“Help”section.Wh...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Manage and Save Data Usage using Opera Max

2016年5月20日 — Opera Max can save your data usage up to 50%* while watching videos on Youtube or your favourite movies on Netflix. Its unique technology saves ...

Monitor app data usage

2016年9月26日 — If you've dismissed the launcher card, go to “Settings” in the hamburger menu and look for the “Help” section. When you press “Apps with great ...

How to “Add time” to Opera Max

2016年11月4日 — Opera Max now works on a 12-hour timer basis. With you using the Opera Max features only when you need them, we hope to decrease the load on our ...

How to get more out of your Opera Max

2015年8月31日 — For a quick overview of your app usage, head to your Mobile usage and Wi-Fi usage timelines from the main menu.

Using Opera Max for Mobile Data only (not wi

Download Opera browser with: built-in ad blocker; battery saver; free VPN. Download Opera. Your browser does ...

Save Data usage on your mobile using Opera Max

2015年8月28日 — This data-management & data-savings app saves 3G / 4G / LTE and Wi-Fi data usage by up to 50%. Save data by compressing videos, photos and media ...

Opera Max: How Does It Work? - Phones (2)

2016年8月19日 — Open Opera Max, go to mobile usage and click on connect. Before now, doing this alone would save automatically save about 50% of your data but ...


2016年5月20日—OperaMaxcansaveyourdatausageupto50%*whilewatchingvideosonYoutubeoryourfavouritemoviesonNetflix.Itsuniquetechnologysaves ...,2016年9月26日—Ifyou'vedismissedthelaunchercard,goto“Settings”inthehamburgermenuandlookforthe“Help”section.Whenyoupress“Appswithgreat ...,2016年11月4日—OperaMaxnowworksona12-hourtimerbasis.WithyouusingtheOperaMaxfeaturesonlywhenyouneedthem,wehopetodecreasethe...